D.S. Resch is a lifelong seeker of knowledge and truth. He brings healthy amounts of both optimism and skepticism to MGPI. He has been a professional biomedical and technical photographer for over 24 years. His passion for photography has transcended into the goal of obtaining undisputed photographic evidence of the paranormal.
D.S. has been a Reiki practitioner for many years. His practice of Reiki has enabled D.S. to have some very powerful experiences with energy fields and the Earth vortexes. In his spare time, D.S. and his lovely wife rescue, foster, and rehabilitate homeless dogs. D.S. is a well rounded and skeptic investigator due to his various interests and compassion.
D.S. seeks first-hand knowledge and answers to the questions that have perplexed humanity from the very beginning of historical recollection. He is determined to discover analytical evidence to support the truth to life’s many, varied mysteries. He is enters this venture with an open mind, a keen photographer’s eye, and a burning desire to let the truth lead him wherever it will.